香港三國論壇 > 許都城 > Burger King向McDonald's公開求和被拒

發表者: Pearltea Aug 28 2015, 02:27
九月二十一日是和平日, Burger King在Youtube公開向McDonald's提議暫停漢堡包戰火一天, 在當日一起合作賣一個叫McWhopper的包. Let's end the beef. With beef (Beef可以指恩怨. 這個play with words口號的意思是'用我們的牛肉來化解恩怨吧!')

McDonald's CEO在FB公開回應, 請BK食檸檬:

Dear Burger King,
Inspiration for a good cause... great idea.
We love the intention but think our two brands could do something bigger to make a difference.
We commit to raise awareness worldwide, perhaps you'll join us in a meaningful global effort?
And every day, let's acknowledge that between us there is simply a friendly business competition and certainly not the unequaled circumstances of the real pain and suffering of war.
We'll be in touch.
-Steve, McDonald’s CEO

P.S. A simple phone call will do next time.
在商業角度來看, 這次MCD輸了.  這個回應很差勁.  難道他們真的完全看不出BK是在開玩笑之餘, 出個和平意識牌來作宣傳, 再挑MCD的機? 今年MCD的市場策略很失敗呢. 

發表者: cdg070089 Aug 28 2015, 03:46
然而我屋企附近依舊冇Burger King sad.gif

發表者: Caesar Aug 28 2015, 03:53
Classic chat pwn'd

發表者: 徐元直 Aug 28 2015, 04:48
QUOTE (Pearltea @ Aug 27 2015, 19:27 )
九月二十一日是和平日, Burger King在Youtube公開向McDonald's提議暫停漢堡包戰火一天, 在當日一起合作賣一個叫McWhopper的包. Let's end the beef. With beef (Beef可以指恩怨. 這個play with words口號的意思是'用我們的牛肉來化解恩怨吧!')

McDonald's CEO在FB公開回應, 請BK食檸檬:

Dear Burger King,
Inspiration for a good cause... great idea.
We love the intention but think our two brands could do something bigger to make a difference.
We commit to raise awareness worldwide, perhaps you'll join us in a meaningful global effort?
And every day, let's acknowledge that between us there is simply a friendly business competition and certainly not the unequaled circumstances of the real pain and suffering of war.
We'll be in touch.
-Steve, McDonald’s CEO

P.S. A simple phone call will do next time.
在商業角度來看, 這次MCD輸了.  這個回應很差勁.  難道他們真的完全看不出BK是在開玩笑之餘, 出個和平意識牌來作宣傳, 再挑MCD的機? 今年MCD的市場策略很失敗呢. 

市場部門或者廣告公司想做出類似水平的策劃來回應,需要不少時間,McD肯定是反應不及,但又不好長時間不出聲。至於馬上同意,對於McD這種體量巨大牽扯甚多的企業應該是不大可能的,何況就算同意了,也是給Burger King做嫁衣。

所以現階段一切都在Burger King的掌握之中。 devil.png

發表者: Pearltea Aug 28 2015, 05:55
QUOTE (徐元直 @ Aug 28 2015, 12:48)
市場部門或者廣告公司想做出類似水平的策劃來回應,需要不少時間,McD肯定是反應不及,但又不好長時間不出聲。至於馬上同意,對於McD這種體量巨大牽扯甚多的企業應該是不大可能的,何況就算同意了,也是給Burger King做嫁衣。

所以現階段一切都在Burger King的掌握之中。 devil.png

其實參不參與也不是最大的問題.  這是PR的回應技巧太差. BK只是想bluff一下MCD(它們的底線是如果一定要做, 只在Atlanta裡做), MCD無論認同與否, 再propose一個更大的計劃.  例如將自己的global awareness加插在現在run的的廣告(這個未必不行), 叫BK參與; 提議BK把event改作fund raising; 或扮同意但只出錢, 讓BK出力, 要是做全國的BK都要做. (大家再把收入捐贈). 無論那個選擇BK都很大機會會退陣的, 因為短短一個月根本很難做這麼多準備工作. 但回應的手法是最敗筆的地方.  
We love the intention but think our two brands could do something bigger to make a difference.
這裡用but是錯的, 因為這是否定了BK的proposal (包括raise awareness). 應該用and

We commit to raise awareness worldwide, perhaps you'll join us in a meaningful global effort?
這是在暗諷BK不及他們全球化和有影響力 (translate: 同我比? 你仲未夠班)

And every day, let's acknowledge that between us there is simply a friendly business competition and certainly not the unequaled circumstances of the real pain and suffering of war.
和平不等於'沒有戰爭' - 離題了

We'll be in touch.
typical corporate-talk crap

P.S. A simple phone call will do next time.
Seriously? That just made you sound like an arrogant @ss.
最差是這句, 不好笑之餘還要扮清高.  

有人在FB提議這個回應, 我覺得很不錯 [Pearltea edit]  strikethrough original:
"Dear BK, great idea.[!] But Let's really make an impact and add to the cause instead of just to our marketing efforts. [I suggest that we broaden our outreach and take the campaign] sell this burger worldwide, in all of our restaurants, on September 21st, and donate all revenues to Unicef. My [team is ready and] people are already on it. I'll give you a call [to bounce some ideas off you] in a minute. We are more about doing things right immediately instead of just chasing ideas. But, thanks for a great initiative nonetheless. Speak to you soon, Steve"

發表者: 徐元直 Aug 28 2015, 06:31
QUOTE (Pearltea @ Aug 27 2015, 22:55 )
其實參不參與也不是最大的問題.  這是PR的回應技巧太差. BK只是想bluff一下MCD(它們的底線是如果一定要做, 只在Atlanta裡做), MCD無論認同與否, 再propose一個更大的計劃.  例如將自己的global awareness加插在現在run的的廣告(這個未必不行), 叫BK參與; 提議BK把event改作fund raising; 或扮同意但只出錢, 讓BK出力, 要是做全國的BK都要做. (大家再把收入捐贈). 無論那個選擇BK都很大機會會退陣的, 因為短短一個月根本很難做這麼多準備工作. 但回應的手法是最敗筆的地方.  
We love the intention but think our two brands could do something bigger to make a difference.
這裡用but是錯的, 因為這是否定了BK的proposal (包括raise awareness). 應該用and

We commit to raise awareness worldwide, perhaps you'll join us in a meaningful global effort?
這是在暗諷BK不及他們全球化和有影響力 (translate: 同我比? 你仲未夠班)

And every day, let's acknowledge that between us there is simply a friendly business competition and certainly not the unequaled circumstances of the real pain and suffering of war.
和平不等於'沒有戰爭' - 離題了

We'll be in touch.
typical corporate-talk crap

P.S. A simple phone call will do next time.
Seriously? That just made you sound like an arrogant @ss.
最差是這句, 不好笑之餘還要扮清高.  

有人在FB提議這個回應, 我覺得很不錯 [Pearltea edit]  strikethrough original:
"Dear BK, great idea.[!] But Let's really make an impact and add to the cause instead of just to our marketing efforts. [I suggest that we broaden our outreach and take the campaign] sell this burger worldwide, in all of our restaurants, on September 21st, and donate all revenues to Unicef. My [team is ready and] people are already on it. I'll give you a call [to bounce some ideas off you] in a minute. We are more about doing things right immediately instead of just chasing ideas. But, thanks for a great initiative nonetheless. Speak to you soon, Steve"



至於有實質內容的回應,比如像你說的加籌碼搏對方不跟,無論可不可行,我覺得都不是很多大公司能夠在短時間內做出的決定。而且McD的策略應該是想低調回應,模糊立場,盡量不製造話題被對方趁機造勢,因爲任何PR escalation對身爲挑戰者的BK來說都已經是賺了。

發表者: Caesar Aug 28 2015, 07:00





發表者: 懶蛇 Aug 28 2015, 15:19
樓上諸位說的道理好像也能解釋某些派系的行為。 cool.gif

發表者: neveryield Aug 28 2015, 16:24
也許是BK 的內間吧。

發表者: Pearltea Aug 29 2015, 05:07
QUOTE (cdg070089 @ Aug 28 2015, 11:46 )
然而我屋企附近依舊冇Burger King sad.gif

How many BK outlets are there in HK?

發表者: neveryield Aug 29 2015, 08:05
QUOTE (Pearltea @ Aug 29 2015, 13:07 )
QUOTE (cdg070089 @ Aug 28 2015, 11:46)
然而我屋企附近依舊冇Burger King sad.gif

How many BK outlets are there in HK?

count = 5

發表者: XxEDxX Aug 29 2015, 08:24
QUOTE (neveryield @ Aug 29 2015, 16:05 )
QUOTE (Pearltea @ Aug 29 2015, 13:07)
QUOTE (cdg070089 @ Aug 28 2015, 11:46)
然而我屋企附近依舊冇Burger King sad.gif

How many BK outlets are there in HK?

count = 5

1,2年前聽講上水仲有一間BK... 之後仲執左...

唔聲唔聲香港得返5間...... sad.gif

發表者: 懶蛇 Aug 30 2015, 02:20

發表者: 試驗帳號2 Aug 30 2015, 03:34
QUOTE (懶蛇 @ Aug 30 2015, 02:20)


我懷疑BK這種「拖人落水」的行為裡,真誠合作的意圖究竟有多少。正如大家都看穿了,是宣傳技倆吧。BK向McD作了如此這般的呼籲,大家好奇McD會有甚麼反應,將消息分享給朋友。然後在過程中,BK吸引了超越自己粉絲的群眾的關注。論企業規模,BK有沒有McD的10%?或5%?說它「未夠班」跟McD攀,亦是事實。何以相關的合作邀請偏偏向全球最大快餐廳發出,而不是規模比較相稱的公司?洞悉玄機如我們,又何嘗不是在幫BK宣傳呢。BK的Marketing這次是機關算盡了。即使McD願意合作,制定合作計劃時亦會被BK所限吧,情形就像大人跟小孩合作搬東西。這種所謂合作邀請骨子裡並不太實際、可行性不高,有搭訕和抽水的意圖。McD的回應亦確實爛,那是龍頭企業應有的笨拙,我視之為霸氣 ( = v = )

發表者: Pearltea Aug 30 2015, 03:56

如果這是他自己的回應也不難理解. 英式幽默是較易聽出來. 但從文字上就很難讀得出. 但他也似乎看不明美式幽默呢.  

Had he responded via YouTube, his message *probably* would have come out a little funnier. rofl.gif (LOL I have to put it in British Humor of course twisted.gif)

發表者: 試驗帳號2 Aug 30 2015, 04:21
QUOTE (Pearltea @ Aug 30 2015, 03:56 )

如果這是他自己的回應也不難理解. 英式幽默是較易聽出來. 但從文字上就很難讀得出. 但他也似乎看不明美式幽默呢.  

Had he responded via YouTube, his message *probably* would have come out a little funnier. rofl.gif (LOL I have to put it in British Humor of course twisted.gif)

Such farce entertains us with some fun, well, we supply them some awareness in return, it's an equilibrium trade  tongue.gif

發表者: 懶蛇 Aug 31 2015, 01:06

發表者: Pearltea Aug 31 2015, 01:44
QUOTE (懶蛇 @ Aug 31 2015, 09:06 )

旗下還有Tim Hortons和50% Heinz    shock.gif
怪不得McD跟Heinz'離婚'. 現在的茄汁醬真的差了很多

發表者: 懶蛇 Aug 31 2015, 01:57
QUOTE (Pearltea @ Aug 30 2015, 21:44 )
QUOTE (懶蛇 @ Aug 31 2015, 09:06)

旗下還有Tim Hortons和50% Heinz    shock.gif
怪不得McD跟Heinz'離婚'. 現在的茄汁醬真的差了很多

收購Tim Horton's也是不久前的事。

越來越多加拿大企業被外國資本買走了,加拿大再次被殖民了。 ermm.png

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