Lady on the Roof (Liang Shang Jia Ren)


This story was adopted from a play by Xiong Shiyi.

Zhao Wenying came from a family of burglars and took stealing for granted. One day she stole again in a luxurious building but was spotted by Situ Dawei, a rich man's nephew.

Situ wanted to threaten Zhao away with his old servant A Qin but failed. Zhao was amused at their foolish tricks and appeared. After a long chat Zhao asked Situ to find a job instead of depending on his uncle Situ Shounian, and Situ asked her to quit burglary because it was a crime.

The following day when Sergeant Bi visited Situ and took a statement with him, Zhao arrived to visit Situ. She stated that she wanted to thank Situ for his help last night. Suspicious of Zhao as the burglar, Sergeant Bi checked her handbag for the stolen jewellery but found nothing because Zhao had already put the jewellery in Situ's pocket. At this moment Situ's fiancee Helen arrived. She soon left in anger thinking that Situ had an affair with Zhao.

Zhao continued to visit Situ regularly and they soon fell in love with each other. When Zhao found that Situ was engaged to Helen for her wealth, she was determined to transform Situ into an independent, self-sustained man. As Situ and Helen dated outside Zhao sneaked into his house and made a plot, making Helen convinced of an "affair" between Zhao and Situ and dissolved the engagement. On the other hand Zhao went to see Situ's uncle, and persuaded him to stop giving Situ any financial support.

Soon Sergeant Bi visited Situ again to further investigate into the burglaries. Zhao then moved the jewellery into Sergeant Bi's pocket so that he could send them back to the owners. Situ and Zhao then invited their uncle and father respectively to discuss their marriage.

Zhao Wenying - Lin Dai
Situ Dawei - Lei Zhen
Helen - Tang Zhen
Sergeant Bi - Jiang Guangchao
Situ Shounian - He Bin
Zhao's father - Chen Youxin

