Apartment for Women (Nu Zi Gong Yu)


Having completed her studies in the secondary school, Zhong Huiming wanted to become an movie actress with the support of her boyfriend Sun Youyi. However, Zhong's mother Zhong Yi strongly opposed her decision and made her run the Apartment for Women for the rest of her life.

Zhong Yi tried to maintain absolute control over her daughter by forbidding her to look for a job outside, or to date with Sun. After an internal struggle, Zhong Huiming decided to go for an interview with a film studio in secret. She passed the interview and finally became an actress. On the days of shooting, she had to sneak into the house before midnight so that her stubborn mother would not discover her private mission.

Given her miserable experience with love, Zhong Yi was extremely sceptical about men and therefore tried to protect her daughter in every single aspect. This was also why she worked hard to set up the Apartment for Women, a shelter for single ladies.

Office lady Liu Xiyi was beautiful and charming, so much so that boys were always chasing after her. Her material mind later prompted her to become a social butterfly surrounded by heartless playboys. When pregnant, her boyfriend left her abandoned and she was later dismissed from the office. Hopeless and depressed, she attempted suicide but was rescued by another tenant Kuang Weiren.

Gu Yizhen was suspicious that her husband Luo Kenfu was unfaithful to her and moved into the Apartment for Women. Zhong Yi expressed sympathy. Luo brought his children to the apartment to explain, but was stopped and chased away by another tenant Qi Chaonan. This prompted Luo and Gu on the brink of divorce.

Later Zhong Yi was furious to learn that her daughter had secretly became an actress. A tenant, social butterfly Di Meimei, came and pacified her emotions. Zhong Yi was finally convinced and lifted her bans upon her daughter.

Zhong Huiming - Shi Hui
Sun Youyi - Zhang Zheng
Zhong Yi - Gong Qiuxia
Liu Xiyi - Le Di
Kuang Weiren - Zhu Li
Gu Yizhen - Wang Zhen
Luo Kenfu - Jin Sha
Qi Chaonan - Feng Lin
Di Meimei - Liu Su

