A Lonely Heart (Ling Yan)


Since childhood Li Yanming had been separated from her mother, a mistress of a rich man. Li was later driven away from the family and became a nun.

Several years later, Li and another nun Lin Dexin were dispatched to preach in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where Li met her wet nurse. Li's mother had asked the wet nurse to take good care of Li but soon after her departure the wet nurse was also sent away. Feeling sorry for Li and her mother, the wet nurse asked Li to disguise as an ordinary girl and go visiting her mother. After some thought, Li finally agreed.

Mixed feelings well up in her heart when Li's mother saw her beloved daughter, then a beautiful and charming girl. She took her sightseeing and told her how much she missed her. Li was also moved and grateful of her mother.

Days later Li went to see her uncle in Singapore upon her mother's request. There she met a cousin Jingshan, who had abandoned his studies and become a prodigal. Li was upset to see how disappointed her uncle was and tried her best to persuade her cousin.

One day Li saw Jingshan sneaking out of the house after dinner and followed him to a nightclub. She waited outside for hours despite the heavy cold rain after midnight. When Jingshan stepped out of the nightclub, he was surprised and moved and decided to start over again.

Grateful of Li, her uncle would like Jingshan to marry her. Li's mother agreed and Jingshan proposed. But Li dared not to tell her mother that she could not marry anyone.

Days later it was time for Li to return to the convent. She wrote her mother a long letter explaining everything and took the early train to Kuala Lumpur. Having read her letter, Li's mother hurried to the railway station to see her daughter off in tears.

Li Yanming - You Min
Li's mother - Wang Lai
Jingshan - Zhao Lei
Li's uncle - Yang Zhiqing

